God crafted a wondrous creation, with the expectation that ALL of His creation would reach its full potential

Francis’ life and example clearly call each fraternity to make concrete decisions so as to care for creation.

The poor are disproportionately affected by climate change and are crying out for a response from us.


Everything is interconnected – including economy and politics

A radical change in mind and heart, personal behavior and communal agendas is needed so that global dialog and solidarity become a reality.

What is the Laudato Si' Revolution?

The Laudato Si’ Revolution is a global campaign whose aim is to encourage and promote integral ecological conversion, i.e. environmental, economic and social ecology.

The human and social dimensions are at the heart of our campaign, as we want the values of social and environmental justice, care and respect for creation and intergenerational solidarity to be part of our daily lives.


Laudato Si’ Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage reminds us that we are just passing through and that others will be pilgrims after us. Therefore, to go on pilgrimage invites us to walk together with others and to assume responsibility for the care of creation for future generations.

Laudato Si’ Serata

The aim is to create awareness, through art, culture, music, about the climate crisis we are facing and to provide a space for integral ecological conversion in favour of future generations.

Energy transition

The Laudato Si’ Revolution invites all Franciscans to be prophetic in reducing their GHG emissions in their fraternities, schools, parishes, study centres, etc., by sharing their stories of energy transition at local levels.

Lifestyle Change

The Laudato Si’ Revolution promotes personal and community lifestyle change, which collectively can make a difference in the world. Brother Francis and his companions began a new lifestyle 800 years ago, and it became a social movement of peace and fraternity that changed the culture

Laudato Si Week

Throughout Laudato Si’ Week, Catholics join together to offer a live witness to the changes wrought by Laudato Si’.

Laudato Si Action Platform

It is a program (and an accompanying website) that aims to give Catholic organizations, communities, and families the necessary tools to implement Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ recommendation.

Season of Creation

The Season of Creation is an opportunity for us to re-establish our connection with our Creator and with all of creation through communal celebration, conversion, and commitment.

Laudato Si' Music

This initiative of the Laudato Si’ Revolution seeks, through music, to inspire many people to bring about profound changes in our personal and community lifestyles. 


Laudato Si' Reflections

Online Courses & Webminars

Liturgical Aids

International Days


We thank all the institutions that have joined this campaign by contributing from their local networks.


The Office for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) of the General Curia of the Friars Minor is grateful to all those who have contributed photographs for the development of this website.